COVID-19 Help
Now more than ever we need to make sure you and your staff can confidently return back to a bit of normality in a safe environment and that’s where us at Bernard Sims Associates can help.
Returning To Work Safely Packages
BSA have developed three comprehensive packages to ensure you have all you need during these challenging times. We look at a series of best-practice measures covering safety, hygiene, maintenance, and regulatory inspections, amongst others.
Click on the button below to take you to our web-page all about our Returning To Work Safely Packages.
COVID-19 is a new risk and as an employer, you must protect people from harm. This includes taking reasonable steps to protect your workers and others from coronavirus. This is called a COVID-19 risk assessment and it will help you manage risk and protect people.
Within our COVID-19 risk assessment we will look at the Risk of infection within office, The mental health of employee’s as well as visitors to the building, External visitors/delivery drivers being infected by the virus whilst visiting/delivering to the premises or passing on the virus to employees and lastly any Emergency Situations such as a Fire.
It will also include practical measures that you can follow to help you reduce the risk of the virus.
Bernard Sims Associates are here to assist you with your risk assessments and we can do this
From £300 + VAT – Desktop Risk Assessment OR From £600 + VAT – Physical Risk Assessment
Health and Safety Policy Updates
An organisation’s Health and Safety Policy does need to be reviewed at least annually to ensure that it covers new legislation and changes to existing legislation. Additionally changes may need to be made after any changes to responsibilities, arrangements and working practices. The extent of changes may well vary between being very limited to more extensive. Recognising what needs to be added or changed is something that BSA can undertake on your behalf which would give confidence that the Policy is fit for purpose. We would also advise that employees are advised of all changes and confirm in writing that they have read them and will abide by them.
For BSA to assist in updating Policies our fee will be based upon the extent of the changes necessary and start From £200 + VAT
If you would like Bernard Sims Associates to help you with any of the above services or for more information then please email us on bsims@bsims.co.uk or call on 01483 467270 where we will be more than happy to assist you.