International Stress Awareness Week (30th – 3rd November 2023)
The first week of November represents the start of International Stress Awareness week.
This years theme is ‘Beyond Stress Management: From Stigma to Solutions’. It is encouraged that the time is taken to break down the barriers to finding solutions, by starting the conversation within your own organisations and across networks during International Stress Awareness Week.
The article below will provide you with information on what is stress, statistics, our support to Mates in Mind, and finally, ways to help continue the conversation beyond this awareness week.
Some of the information within this article has been taken directly from the ‘Mates in Mind’ and ‘Awareness Days’ website.
What is Stress?
Stress is the feeling of being under too much mental or emotional pressure. When you are stressed, your body releases stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol.
Stress is your body’s reaction to help you deal with pressure or threats. This is sometimes called a “fight or flight” response. Your stress hormone levels usually return to normal once the pressure or threat has passed.
A small amount of stress can sometimes be useful as it can cause you to take action and get tasks completed. It can also make you feel alive and excited. Although a small amount can sometimes be useful, too much stress can cause negative effects such as a change in your mood, your body and your relationships with others.
Statistics (2021/2022)
- There were 914,000 cases of work-related stress, depression or anxiety.
- Stress, depression or anxiety accounted for 51% of all work-related ill-health cases and 55% of all working days lost due to work-related ill-health.
- The main work factors cited as causing work-related stress, depression or anxiety include the demands of the job, lack of control, lack of information and support, work relationships, and roles and responsibilities.

Stress Awareness Day – Mates in Mind
Mates in Mind are big supporters of Stress Awareness Week.
At Mates in Mind, they work with organisations to improve the mental health of their workforce by providing the skills, clarity, and confidence to employers on how to raise awareness, improve understanding and address the stigma that surrounds mental health.
They have created a suite of resources to support organisations not only on Mental Health but also to create a holistic and ongoing programme of support.
Please click here to access Mates in Mind ‘Stress Awareness Factsheet’.
For further information about Mates in Mind and how they support organisations, please visit their website by clicking the link below.
Continue the Conversation
The conversation shouldn’t just stop after Stress Awareness week, it is vital that people continue to speak up.
A few tips have been provided below if you feel that they may need help or that they are trying to reach out but are not sure how to bring up to conversation.
Give your full attention and listen without judgement
Choose the right environment
Ask open questions to open up the conversation
Avoid if you can
Reaching for a quick fix
Assuming you know the answers and can diagnose